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Click here for Speedo Gear Info
Gear Ratio Formula:
(New tire size / Stock tire size) x Original gear ratio
To find out tire size if you have metric tires:;
225/75R14 = 26.5" 27x8.50R14
215/75R15 = 27.5"
235/75R15 = 28.5" 29X9.50R15
245/75R15 = 29.5" 30X9.50R15
265/75R16 = 30.5" 31X10.50R15
295/75R15 = 31.5" 32X11.50R15
315/70R15 = 32.5" 33X12.50R15
285/75-16 = 32.8" 33X12.50R16
To find out your gear ratio:
Open differential Limited slip
72-3.08 F4-3.45
74-3.45 F5-3.55
82-3.08 F6-3.73
84-3.45 F7-4.10
85-3.55 K6-4.10
Purple indicates highway driving & good
fuel economy.
Green indicates Daily driver & bestoverall
Red indicates towing and power. Reduced
fuel economy.
2.35 |
2.73 |
2.94 |
3.07 |
3.21 |
3.31 |
3.42 |
3.55 |
3.73 |
3.91 |
4.11 |
4.27 |
4.56 |
4.88 |
5.13 |
5.29 |
5.38 |
5.71 |
6.17 |
7.17 |
23" |
2231 |
2592 |
2792 |
2915 |
3048 |
3143 |
3248 |
3371 |
3542 |
3713 |
3903 |
4055 |
4330 |
4634 |
4871 |
5023 |
5109 |
5422 |
5859 |
6808 |
24" |
2139 |
2484 |
2675 |
2794 |
2921 |
3012 |
3112 |
3231 |
3394 |
3558 |
3740 |
3886 |
4150 |
4441 |
4668 |
4814 |
4896 |
5196 |
5615 |
6525 |
25" |
2053 |
2385 |
2568 |
2682 |
2804 |
2892 |
2988 |
3101 |
3259 |
3416 |
3590 |
3730 |
3984 |
4263 |
4482 |
4621 |
4700 |
4988 |
5390 |
6264 |
26" |
1974 |
2293 |
2470 |
2579 |
2696 |
2780 |
2873 |
2982 |
3133 |
3284 |
3452 |
3587 |
3830 |
4099 |
4309 |
4444 |
4519 |
4796 |
5183 |
6023 |
27" |
1901 |
2208 |
2378 |
2483 |
2597 |
2677 |
2766 |
2872 |
3017 |
3163 |
3325 |
3454 |
3689 |
3947 |
4150 |
4279 |
4352 |
4619 |
4991 |
5800 |
28" |
1833 |
2129 |
2293 |
2395 |
2504 |
2582 |
2668 |
2769 |
2909 |
3050 |
3206 |
3331 |
3557 |
3806 |
4001 |
4126 |
4196 |
4454 |
4813 |
5593 |
29" |
1770 |
2056 |
2214 |
2312 |
2417 |
2493 |
2576 |
2674 |
2809 |
2945 |
3095 |
3216 |
3434 |
3675 |
3863 |
3984 |
4052 |
4300 |
4647 |
5400 |
30" |
1711 |
1987 |
2140 |
2235 |
2337 |
2410 |
2490 |
2584 |
2715 |
2846 |
2992 |
3109 |
3320 |
3553 |
3735 |
3851 |
3917 |
4157 |
4492 |
5220 |
31" |
1656 |
1923 |
2071 |
2163 |
2261 |
2332 |
2409 |
2501 |
2628 |
2755 |
2896 |
3008 |
3213 |
3438 |
3614 |
3727 |
3790 |
4023 |
4347 |
5051 |
32" |
1604 |
1863 |
2007 |
2095 |
2191 |
2259 |
2334 |
2423 |
2546 |
2669 |
2805 |
2914 |
3112 |
3331 |
3501 |
3610 |
3672 |
3897 |
4211 |
4894 |
33" |
1555 |
1807 |
1946 |
2032 |
2124 |
2191 |
2263 |
2349 |
2469 |
2588 |
2720 |
2826 |
3018 |
3230 |
3395 |
3501 |
3561 |
3779 |
4083 |
4745 |
34" |
1510 |
1754 |
1889 |
1972 |
2062 |
2126 |
2197 |
2280 |
2396 |
2512 |
2640 |
2743 |
2929 |
3135 |
3295 |
3398 |
3456 |
3668 |
3963 |
4606 |
35" |
1466 |
1704 |
1835 |
1916 |
2003 |
2065 |
2134 |
2215 |
2328 |
2440 |
2565 |
2664 |
2845 |
3045 |
3201 |
3301 |
3357 |
3563 |
3850 |
4474 |
36" |
1426 |
1656 |
1784 |
1862 |
1947 |
2008 |
2075 |
2154 |
2263 |
2372 |
2493 |
2590 |
2766 |
2961 |
3112 |
3209 |
3264 |
3464 |
3743 |
4350 |
37" |
1387 |
1611 |
1735 |
1812 |
1895 |
1954 |
2019 |
2095 |
2202 |
2308 |
2426 |
2520 |
2692 |
2881 |
3028 |
3123 |
3176 |
3370 |
3642 |
4232 |
38" |
1351 |
1569 |
1690 |
1764 |
1845 |
1902 |
1966 |
2040 |
2144 |
2247 |
2362 |
2454 |
2621 |
2805 |
2948 |
3040 |
3092 |
3282 |
3546 |
4121 |
39" |
1316 |
1529 |
1646 |
1719 |
1798 |
1854 |
1915 |
1988 |
2089 |
2190 |
2302 |
2391 |
2554 |
2733 |
2873 |
2962 |
3013 |
3198 |
3455 |
4015 |
40" |
1283 |
1491 |
1605 |
1676 |
1753 |
1807 |
1867 |
1938 |
2037 |
2135 |
2244 |
2331 |
2490 |
2664 |
2801 |
2888 |
2937 |
3118 |
3369 |
3915 |
41" |
1252 |
1454 |
1566 |
1635 |
1710 |
1763 |
1822 |
1891 |
1987 |
2083 |
2189 |
2275 |
2429 |
2599 |
2733 |
2818 |
2866 |
3042 |
3287 |
3819 |
42" |
1222 |
1420 |
1529 |
1596 |
1669 |
1721 |
1778 |
1846 |
1940 |
2033 |
2137 |
2220 |
2371 |
2538 |
2668 |
2751 |
2798 |
2969 |
3208 |
3728 |
43" |
1194 |
1387 |
1493 |
1559 |
1630 |
1681 |
1737 |
1803 |
1894 |
1986 |
2087 |
2169 |
2316 |
2479 |
2606 |
2687 |
2733 |
2900 |
3134 |
3642 |
44" |
1166 |
1355 |
1459 |
1524 |
1593 |
1643 |
1698 |
1762 |
1851 |
1941 |
2040 |
2119 |
2263 |
2422 |
2546 |
2626 |
2670 |
2834 |
3063 |
3559 |
65 mph in 4th gear w/ manual transmission. Automatic transmission RPM
is higher than shown above.
With overdrive, your RPM is 15-30 % less than RPM value above.
This info was taken from 4 Wheel Parts Wholesaler Catalog.
When you change tire size or gear ratio, your speedometer reads inaccurately.
To fix this you have to change speedo gear(change number of teeth).
1st, you need to find out current speedo gear(# of teeth).
You have to remove the speedo cable from trans to check what you have(instruction
Ford Speedo Gear Parts # |
Manual Trans |
Auto Trans |
16-teeth-wine (C0DZ-A) |
16-blue (D0AZ-A) |
17-white (C3DZ-C) |
17-green (C7SZ-A) |
18-yellow (C0DD-B) |
18-gray (C7SZ-B) |
19-pink (C0DZ-B) |
19-tan (C7VY-A) |
20-black (C1DZ-A) |
20-orange (C8SZ-B) |
21-red (C4OZ-A) |
21-purple (D0OZ-B) |
Then use the formula.
New teeth = (current teeth x speedo reading) / actual speed.
You need less teeth to speed up the speedometer. (More teeth to slow
down speedometer.)
Then go to Ford and get the speedo gear that you figured out.
To install or remove, go under the truck and find transmission.
Near the end of the trans (driver's side) there should be a black cable
that is about 1 cm in diameter. It should be attached with one bolt
small bracket; remove the bolt. Pull the cable straight from trans.
You will be able to see the gear now.
The gear is attached to the cable with a small clip;
remove it with small screw driver and remove old gear.
Put new one on and rest is just backward.
If the O ring around the cable assembly is bad, replace with new one.
I changed mine few month ago, but it was 2WD manual, not 4X4, so lacation
style of mounting the speedo cable may be different.
Speedo reading will NOT be accurate as it used to if you change tire
size(but close).